Monday, February 1, 2016

Be in the position to steer your ship along with the tides

I once spent a summer surfing in Maui.  During that time I learned a life lesson.  The tides will come and go and you have no control over that but grab that board and paddle out anyway.  You will build up the endurance needed for when the tides changes.  When the storm does roll in and you’re strong enough to paddle out you just might drop in successfully but when you do inevitably wipe out you must surrender control and conserve all the energy you have to hold your breath.  The tide is always in control and will take you along for the ride of your life if you choose to put yourself out there.  Rather than waiting for the perfect surf report to make me happy, I was happy every day just being in Maui paddling out and making the best of it during the lack of waves by putting in the work to build up my strength.  This gave me the opportunity to be strong enough to paddle out and hold my breath for when the waves did roll in.  I made the best of what I had every day in Maui to be in the position to steer my ship along with the tides.  In the end of my summer, I recall being one of the few who dared to paddle out during the storm with enough endurance to take on some pretty spectacular wipeouts.  Some of my friends did not have that same firsthand experience, they chose to be spectators that day.  Today I shall do what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.

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